An Introduction

Thank you for visiting my railway portfolio. Based in the East Midlands, I have been practicing digital photography for over twelve years now, using a wide variety of equipment including a Nikon D50, Nikon D200, Nikon D700, Canon EOS 6D, Nikon D850 and, most recently, Nikon Z6. 
One of my main passions is to capture the ever changing railway scene in the United Kingdom, with the 'Type 5' freight locomotives introduced in the 1980s & 1990s being a particular fondness along with classes 37 and 47. Most of the images displayed here have either been taken with a Canon EOS 6D mk 1 or (as of April 2020) a Nikon Z6. I will endeavor to post additional information relating to lenses and other equipment that I have used in the relevant captions for each photo. 
One of the more interesting additions to the photography world in the last five to ten years has been the advent of pole photography, which allows images to be recorded at certain heights not normally attainable using more established methods. In some cases, it is also useful in elevating the camera above certain obstructions such as foliage or high fencing. As such, I currently use a twelve metre pole with control of the camera being initiated through Wi-Fi using Camranger 2
If you have any questions or wish to use one of my images in a magazine, publication or elsewhere then please do not hesitate to get in touch via the 'Contact' page.

Why '1-2-1 Photography'?

In Absolute Block railway signalling, '1-2-1' was the old bell code for 'Train Approaching'. Sent prior to the usual 'Train Entering Section' code ('2'), it was used in certain locations with abnormally short block sections, to allow the signaller sufficient time to set up his or her area of control for the passage of each train concerned. As a proud Grade 3 signaller employed along the Syston to Peterborough route, I thought it would be fitting to make reference to my role in the name of this gallery.
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